Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ring By Spring

If you've gone to or are currently attending a liberal arts college then you've heard "Ring by Spring" thrown around a lot. If you haven't heard of this ridiculous term, it pretty much means that the seniors at the school want to have met someone and be engaged by the time spring/graduation rolls around.

This causes a lot of pressure for people to pair up with someone. It usually leads to "Senior Scramble" where the single seniors scramble to find their "other half." They don't want to be the ones who are left out in cold, single, and starting to actually live a life. They want someone to support them through the dark times, which I can understand I guess.

However, this leads to so much pressure to actually find someone. As a freshman there are times when I worry about this. I get into this cycle where I think, "I'm supposed to meet my husband in college. If I don't meet him here where the heck would I meet him then. I really need to find a boyfriend soon so that we have plenty of time to get to know each other so we can get married when we graduate." Yeah, it's ridiculous, but I tend to be a worrier. It also doesn't help when half of the people you know at school are getting engaged, married, or having babies.

I know I should enjoy being single while I can because there are so many upsides to it. Like who cares if you spend all weekend marathoning that one show...again. If I want to wear sweats and makeup around who cares? I don't have a boy to pretty up for. But then you see that couple walking to class holding hands and they're just so cute and where's the guy who will hold my hand as we walk to class? Then you go to winter formal and the slow song plays and you're watching all the adorable couples looking lovingly into each others' eyes while they dance. You end up standing with your single friends on the side of the dance floor, and the boys who don't have dates stand in groups looking at their phones or at the groups of girls and WHY WON'T ONE OF THEM JUST ASK ME TO DANCE? Nothing has to come out of it, I just want to feel like someone wants to dance with me too. Yeah, I could rant all day on this, I have in fact. My roommate and I talk about it at night sometimes.

Then you have it where you try to flirt with that one cute boy who you're interested in, but they don't seem to get the hint. Of course, it doesn't help when you're socially awkward and not 100% sure how to flirt or even talk to boys. But enough about my awkwardness and sad love life. I should probably do homework or watching TV, yeah TV wins.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Nothing Fits Right Anymore

Okay, so I suck at keeping up with a blog. I admit it! Anyway, I had an idea to write this when I first got home for break. However, my full schedule of not doing anything got in the way. *Ahem.* I mean I was totally doing stuff during break, totally not lazing around reading and binge watching TV.

Well, anyway the topic of this post came to me right when I got home from break. I started to unpack, but at that moment I was looking at my bulging suitcase and wondering, "Should I unpack or just live out of a suitcase for three weeks?" Obviously that's ridiculous. My half empty closet was glaring at me and I decided that I might as well put my clothes and such away since I would be there for a while. As I was putting things away I noticed that all of my stuff didn't necessarily have a place to go. I had to retrieve more hangers for my shirts because I had left all of mine at school. The drawers in my dresser became bursting full of clothes. Nothing was fitting the way it used to.

It was then at that point that I realized, the same was true for me. My one semester at college was already reforming and changing me. I was a square block trying to cram back into my round hole.

One way I noticed this was when my brother and I were conversing for the first time. He and I used to get in a fight maybe 4 or 5 times out of ten, but now it seemed that almost every time we talked, we would end up in a shouting match. We were already different, but now it seems like we're polar opposites.

Me going to a Christian college probably wasn't helping us become closer either. As I was growing closer to God, my brother and I started to become more estranged. It's probably because I'm a Christian, but my brother claims to be an atheist. Now I have nothing against atheists as long as they aren't being jerks to me, but I think that it gives my brother and I different viewpoints.

I really noticed this when he was talking to me about something that is most likely unimportant now. My brother was swearing a lot when he was talking. I can stand some swearing every once in a while, but when you use them in every other sentence, it starts to tick me off. Especially because the swear words are usually just "sentence enhancers" only there to put emphasis on words or something.

Well I should probably be doing something about until next time? I still don't like ending these. I don't think it's possible without sounded cheesy or dumb.