Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ring By Spring

If you've gone to or are currently attending a liberal arts college then you've heard "Ring by Spring" thrown around a lot. If you haven't heard of this ridiculous term, it pretty much means that the seniors at the school want to have met someone and be engaged by the time spring/graduation rolls around.

This causes a lot of pressure for people to pair up with someone. It usually leads to "Senior Scramble" where the single seniors scramble to find their "other half." They don't want to be the ones who are left out in cold, single, and starting to actually live a life. They want someone to support them through the dark times, which I can understand I guess.

However, this leads to so much pressure to actually find someone. As a freshman there are times when I worry about this. I get into this cycle where I think, "I'm supposed to meet my husband in college. If I don't meet him here where the heck would I meet him then. I really need to find a boyfriend soon so that we have plenty of time to get to know each other so we can get married when we graduate." Yeah, it's ridiculous, but I tend to be a worrier. It also doesn't help when half of the people you know at school are getting engaged, married, or having babies.

I know I should enjoy being single while I can because there are so many upsides to it. Like who cares if you spend all weekend marathoning that one show...again. If I want to wear sweats and makeup around who cares? I don't have a boy to pretty up for. But then you see that couple walking to class holding hands and they're just so cute and where's the guy who will hold my hand as we walk to class? Then you go to winter formal and the slow song plays and you're watching all the adorable couples looking lovingly into each others' eyes while they dance. You end up standing with your single friends on the side of the dance floor, and the boys who don't have dates stand in groups looking at their phones or at the groups of girls and WHY WON'T ONE OF THEM JUST ASK ME TO DANCE? Nothing has to come out of it, I just want to feel like someone wants to dance with me too. Yeah, I could rant all day on this, I have in fact. My roommate and I talk about it at night sometimes.

Then you have it where you try to flirt with that one cute boy who you're interested in, but they don't seem to get the hint. Of course, it doesn't help when you're socially awkward and not 100% sure how to flirt or even talk to boys. But enough about my awkwardness and sad love life. I should probably do homework or watching TV, yeah TV wins.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Nothing Fits Right Anymore

Okay, so I suck at keeping up with a blog. I admit it! Anyway, I had an idea to write this when I first got home for break. However, my full schedule of not doing anything got in the way. *Ahem.* I mean I was totally doing stuff during break, totally not lazing around reading and binge watching TV.

Well, anyway the topic of this post came to me right when I got home from break. I started to unpack, but at that moment I was looking at my bulging suitcase and wondering, "Should I unpack or just live out of a suitcase for three weeks?" Obviously that's ridiculous. My half empty closet was glaring at me and I decided that I might as well put my clothes and such away since I would be there for a while. As I was putting things away I noticed that all of my stuff didn't necessarily have a place to go. I had to retrieve more hangers for my shirts because I had left all of mine at school. The drawers in my dresser became bursting full of clothes. Nothing was fitting the way it used to.

It was then at that point that I realized, the same was true for me. My one semester at college was already reforming and changing me. I was a square block trying to cram back into my round hole.

One way I noticed this was when my brother and I were conversing for the first time. He and I used to get in a fight maybe 4 or 5 times out of ten, but now it seemed that almost every time we talked, we would end up in a shouting match. We were already different, but now it seems like we're polar opposites.

Me going to a Christian college probably wasn't helping us become closer either. As I was growing closer to God, my brother and I started to become more estranged. It's probably because I'm a Christian, but my brother claims to be an atheist. Now I have nothing against atheists as long as they aren't being jerks to me, but I think that it gives my brother and I different viewpoints.

I really noticed this when he was talking to me about something that is most likely unimportant now. My brother was swearing a lot when he was talking. I can stand some swearing every once in a while, but when you use them in every other sentence, it starts to tick me off. Especially because the swear words are usually just "sentence enhancers" only there to put emphasis on words or something.

Well I should probably be doing something about until next time? I still don't like ending these. I don't think it's possible without sounded cheesy or dumb.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Caffeine is Evil

Earlier this week I got to see what it feels like to drink too much coffee at one time, and let me tell you it was not fun.

My 6 AM morning workouts have been really kicking my butt lately. I've been really exhausted all day and ready to go to bed at about 9 or 10 every night. Well, the cafeteria finally refilled the cappuccino, so I decided to have some at lunch. Somehow, having one cup with my lunch turned into three.

I was drinking it partially because I like the taste and partially because I hoped it would keep me awake. Boy did it ever.

I got back to my room when I realized the reaction I was having to all of the caffeine coursing through my system. My heart was pounding like crazy, my hands were shaking, and I could feel all of the nerves in my body twitching. It was not a pleasant feeling.

I tried to write some notecards for a presentation, but my hands were shaking too bad for me to be able to write correctly. I couldn't do my homework because it involved either writing or drawing, so I had to sit tight and wait for the effects to wear off.

They finally did, but my wing and I had a special dinner and I ended up having pop to drink with it. I didn't really think of it until I was almost done with the can. The effects of the caffeine were starting to come back.

Hopefully, I can avoid the feeling in the future. One of the girls in my wing said that once she had 8 cups of coffee at once and that it was not a good experience, so I plan to avoid drinking that much.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I enjoy college. If you plan it right you get to sleep in, and you have somewhere between none and five classes a day. You get to live on your own and take responsibility over yourself. There are fun activities going on a lot, and you get to meet a lot of new people.

What sucks about college is the homework. If you are in high school and complaining about the amount of homework you have every night, shut your trap. In college, the homework is neverending. Yes, you have fewer classes, but the homework takes so much longer to do.

All of your classes usually have a bigger project you have anywhere between a week to a couple months to do, but then there's also the daily work that you have to do. Usually in your classes you have to read at least a chapter by the next time you meet. Then there are all the tests and quizzes you have to study for.

There's a reason that people say college is so hard and stressful. If you think that college is easy and you're breezing by then you are doing it wrong and you aren't learning anything.

I don't think it's possible to have every single bit of homework done in college until you finish the semester, but you just have to work at it at a steady pace. Don't put too much pressure on yourself and work yourself to the bone to finish it all at once.

Even though I'm only a freshman, I'm starting to learn how to manage my time wisely and it's good that I am. Otherwise I would be stressed all the time and finishing homework at the last minute. I just have to finish the daily stuff first, and then work on the projects little by little each day.


Friday, October 25, 2013

Ignorance is Not Bliss

People always say that "Ignorance is bliss" or "Out of sight out of mind", but I don't think that's true.

I go to a private Christian college and so I figured that meant that everyone was a Christian. Boy was I stupid to think that. I guess that the reason I thought that was because we are required to go to chapel so many times each semester, plus we need to take classes about the bible and Christianity so I figured that if you weren't a Christian you wouldn't want to sit through that kind of stuff.

After seeing some of the people that go here I kind of thought to myself, "I wouldn't be surprised if that person was gay." Yeah it's dumb to just assume someone's sexuality based on stereotypes and such, but it's what I did. I reminded myself that it's a Christian college, why would a homosexual want to go to school where it's taught that the sexual preference they have is wrong? I couldn't fathom it because I was ignorant.

A while after starting school, my friend told me about how there were gay people and atheists that went to our school. It kind of shocked me, not because I had anything against them. If you're nice to me, I'm nice to you. It was just surprising to me that they would choose to go here.

Now, I don't think that going to a Christian college makes me superior at all. I chose it because it was close to home and I liked the small school feel of it. It was also nice to think that I wouldn't have to worry about all of these parties where everyone was drinking and doing drugs. I mean yeah, they might still happen, but it's a lot less noticeable. I have some friends going to a public school where all everyone does is drink and party and I would hate that. Another friend of mine goes to a big state school. She told me that it was common to have riots there, that scares me so much.

I guess that someone who isn't Christian might go to a Christian college because they like the smaller school feeling and aren't around all of the parties. I am completely okay with going here if that's what they want to do. I'm not the bible pushing kind of Christian that thinks that everyone should believe what I believe and that gay people should be "fixed."

Anyway, that's my rant for the day. I could probably sit here forever and write out my opinions on the matter, but I do somewhat have a life.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What to Write

I want to write so badly, like this blog. I want to keep up with it. It doesn't mean I plan to write something everyday because let's face my life isn't that interesting, but I don't know what I want to talk about on here.

I also want to work on writing a story that I've been working on. I'd love to be able to finish it and get it published. I seem to not have much time to do it though because of school, and when I do have time I never feel like it or know what to write next. Word count wise my story is probably about halfway done, but story wise I have no idea where it's at.

I'm really self conscious about my writing though. I'm always going between, "I want someone to read this and tell me what they think of it!" and, "Don't look at my baby until it's done!" I have one friend that I'm letting read my story so far and she loves it, which really boosts my self esteem. I kind of want someone else to read it though so that I can get some other opinions on it.

So far I really love when I get on a roll with writing it and the story line is going so well, but at the same time I just want to finish it to see how the whole story pans out as a whole. Even though I'm the one writing it, I have no idea exactly where this thing will go. So I guess I just have to work on it and go along for the ride to see what my brain comes up with.

I should probably stop procrastinating with my homework now...


Monday, October 21, 2013

We are the Crazy People

Seriously, what are we doing? Some of my wing mates and I are doing the workout Insanity. It's been about a week since we started and each day is still a struggle.

We get up at 6 in the morning because we have early classes. Each night I think that I'm sort of excited to work out the next day, but then when the morning comes I have to push myself out of bed. I think about skipping a day or two, but then I remember that I need to push myself and that I can't wimp out.

It's really nice doing it with other people though, it's a lot easier when you have that extra push to get out of bed and workout. Also, it's only been a week, but we are starting to see it working already. That really pushes you to keep on going.

I really hope that I'll be able to make it through the whole thing without dying, but I am doing well so far. Guess we'll have to see how it goes over the next couple weeks.
