Sunday, October 20, 2013

Halfway There

So I'm halfway through my first semester of college and I decided to start a blog. It's been an idea of mine for a little while, so here goes nothing.

The time here has gone so quickly. Has it really been about two months since I've moved in? It seems like so long ago, but also like it was just yesterday. Time is weird like that. You can't wait for something so it takes forever to get here, but when it finally arrives it leaves quickly. Just like the weekend. I was so excited for the weekend to get here, but now it's almost suppertime on Sunday.

On the bright side, tomorrow's Monday. I know that I sound crazy even saying that, but I have plans with friends tomorrow. I haven't seen some of them in a while, so I am really excited to be able to spend time with them again. It sucks that I have to sit through classes all day though. I feel like they are just going to drag. After that I have to wait all afternoon until they're here. My afternoons usually feel really slow, but tomorrow it's going to be unbearable.

Well, I think that's all I want to say...I don't know I haven't really done one of these before. How do you end them? Maybe I need to find a sign off saying...How about cheers? Yeah, I like that one.


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